Okay, so I still have Cole's educational posters to put up and one pile of what I have labeled "mysterious" paperwork sitting by my feet, but otherwise, our room is finito!
Just in time since Cole and I dive in on Monday.
Most of the public and private schools in our area have started back up, so we, too, are gearing up for a little more focus. Our family didn't stop learning just because the Season changed. However, it did make sense for us to let Cole run free in the Summer months. Spending time with his friends was top on his priority list, and since we recently moved, it was very important for Cole to develop new friendships before the school year started.
We are so fortunate to live in a neighborhood where the kids are coming out of the weeds; it's been terrific for Cole!
As the neighbor kids begin disappearing during the daytime hours, we'll get Cole back. : ) He and I will begin to focus on more task-oriented learning and will dig out all of the cool materials we've been collecting for the cooler months.
It's getting darker, earlier and earlier...the Holidays will be here before we know it!
We're looking forward to our new environment and to our Owls and Weather Center kick-off.
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