Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hypocrisy Release Me...

I'm having a difficult time taking my own advice today. I'm sure that happens with all sorts of folks, but when you are a life coach, it seems very hypocritical. Yes, yes..I know; I am only human. ONLY human. I hate that phrase...ahem, rephrase...I know, I'm human.

Seriously though, I'm doing so much deep-breathing today, I may faint. Subconscious goal, perhaps? I wish. I've never fainted in my life. In fact, when the proverbially shit hits the fan, I become acutely focused. Blasted brain.

So there it is. Muddied waters today. Reflection and some rest seem pertinent. As it turns out, I have recently committed myself to daily reading of Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much by Anne Wilson Schaef. I picked it up at Prospero's (ahhhh...) the other day, or I should say, it picked me. (When I go into bookstores without a purpose, I try to let my eyes see titles like the hazy, crossed eyes necessary to see the images in those wild 3D posters.)

A month has passed since I started this daily ritual, and I really make an effort to find something of worth in each entry. Overall, however, I have found it too mushy for my sensibilities and in a tone of admonishment that reeks of recovery, but as I said, I look for something good in each.

Here is today's; I'm reading it for the first time as I type it.

Notwithstanding the poverty of my outside experience, I have always had a significance for myself, and every chance to stumble along my straight and narrow little path, and to worship at the feet of my Deity, and what more can a human soul ask for? - Alice Jones

Satisfaction with one's life is like being anointed with warm oil. It is so peaceful to read the words of someone who is content. Often we equate contentment and satisfaction with stagnation. They are anything but that! True satisfaction with one's life is an acceptance of what is, continuing to prepare for what can be, while letting go of what we thought needed to be.

Satisfaction is an active place of quietude, a busy place of stillness. Satisfaction is a relief in living rarely felt by women who do too much. Satisfaction is the soul breathing a sigh of relief.

Sometimes, when I take stock, I only look at what isn't done. I also need to look at what I have, what's been done, and what's being done.

Okay, I'll admit; that one is perfect for me today. : ) LOL!!

Cole's home, so I'm out! xo

(He lost a tooth while on his lake vacation and looks like he grew two inches!!)

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