Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Voices of Diane Arbus, Master Photographer (1923-1971)

Check out the following documentary on Diane Arbus with an introduction by her daughter, Doon Arbus. Hear her own words speak on her fascination with "freaks" read by Mary Claire Costello, one of her close friends. There are also interviews with Lisette Model, a European émigree and photographer who instructed a class Diane attended, with John Szarkowski, Curator of Photography at the Museum of Modern Art from 1962-1991, and with Marvin Israel, co-author of An Aperture Monograph with Doon Arbus, and more. Also, I've included some clips from the movie, Fur at the end. I highly recommend renting it; outstanding! Note, these videos may not be for your kiddies. Parental discretion is advised.

Going Where I've Never Been
Part I

Going Where I've Never Been
Part II

Going Where I've Never Been
Part III

Going Where I've Never Been
Part IV

Videos from Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus
The Making of Fur

Fur Trailer

Fur Clip

1 comment:

  1. You get an award! (It's tiny but true!)


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