Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A New Look for a New Year

With the coming of the New Year, I decided to start afresh with a new design template for the blog. Hope you like it!

A few things to kick off the year:

1. Most importantly, thank you for all of your wonderful comments about the blog, on Cole's work, on how you've seen Cole grow and change in positive ways, etc.! It's great to hear from you, and it keeps us motivated.

2. When you receive an e-update with an article, if you chose not to go to the site, you'll sometimes miss out on photos that post with the article. Just an FYI as I do try to keep this site visually stimulating as well as verbally! A lot of what you see is original art by Cole and me. (no pix on this one though!)

3. Later in the year, Cole will have an area on the blog where he'll post a weekly update on what he's up to. We're working on some more advanced pc skills, so Cole can begin to use his new laptop, Little Guy as he's entitled him, for more projects. I'll send out an announcement when we launch his segment.

4. Look for add-ons to the site: my 2009 reading list, blog list, and more to come!

5. If you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see on the blog or for projects for Cole, let me know. We're always looking for ideas.

Thank you again for your continued support in our homeschooling endeavor! We are so fortunate to be able to educate Cole in such an organic and impactful fashion. It may seem contradictory, but as much freedom as homeschooling has given Cole, it has given me the same. This experience has changed me in a powerful and inspiring way.

My very best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!!


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