I love, love, LOVE watching Cole grabbing his daily dose of chocolate...just can't believe how much he's grown since last year.

Carl, my Step-father, is recovering nicely from two strokes and bypass surgery. Mom is doing as well as can be expected and her faith and love are carrying her through.
My brother, Devon, married his sweetheart, Amber, in September of this year.

Carla and her American-born/Aussie-raised beau, Jacob, moved in together.
We adore both additions to the family!

Doug's doing great at H&R Block, and I'm still plugging away with Innovative (my marketing consulting and coaching biz). We've both been at our respective gigs for about 3 1/2 years since leaving Transamerica and feel fortunate; during this awful economy, Doug has a terrific job, which he loves and ditto as far as me with Innovative. We've put the insurance agency on hold to focus on our family needs, and that's okay.
Cole's homeschooling is going amazingly and has really become a part of our family lifestyle/culture! It really does suit not just Cole but all of us. It is such a cool, intuitive, once-in-a-lifetime experience. I only wish; I'd started earlier. Doug and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary in October. Cole turns 13 in a few days, and I'm approaching the last year of my thirties in a little over a week. LOTS going on about which to be happy!
Looking forward to getting the family together to celebrate the Season and hoping the weather cooperates this year!! : ) HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE!!
xoxo, Diane